Testosterone Booster Side Effects


The use of testosterone boosters among men has skyrocketed. That being said, it is critical that we discuss these supplements further so that you and other men out there have accurate information about the side effects of testosterone boosters.

Testosterone boosters are one of the most effective and widely used methods of treating low testosterone levels in men.

This is not to say that they do not have any side effects. And just because they have side effects doesn't mean you shouldn't use them. Just make sure you are adhering to your doctors' recommendations.


People with low testosterone levels may benefit from testosterone boosters in the following ways:

  • improve sex drive
  • enhance sexual function
  • improve physical endurance and muscle strength
  • denser, more powerful bones

While testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may help alleviate the symptoms of hypogonadism, it may not have the same effect in people whose testosterone levels are naturally declining.

Risks of TRT

The following side effects may occur as a result of TRT:

  • acne
  • obstructive sleep apnea
  • Retention of fluid
  • low blood sugar levels
  • Enlargement of the prostate and breast
  • reduced sperm count
  • increased red blood cell count

Injections of testosterone may cause pain, swelling, or bruising near the injection site. Topical testosterone gels and patches can also cause allergic reactions where they are applied.

TRT is only recommended by the American Urological Association if a person's testosterone level is less than 300 ng/dL and they exhibit hypogonadism symptoms. TRT's risks, however, may outweigh its potential benefits.

Because the FDA does not regulate testosterone supplements, their quality, purity, and dosage can vary greatly.

According to the FDA, there is a link between certain bodybuilding supplements and products marketed as testosterone substitutes and the following side effects:


Before you begin using testosterone boosters, you should be aware of all possible outcomes, including side effects. This way, you will be prepared for any outcome and will be able to respond appropriately if you experience certain symptoms while taking your medication.

Some of the most common side effects of testosterone boosters that users may experience are as follows:

Elevated PSA levels: Testosterone boosters can cause an increase in PSA levels, which can indicate inflammation or enlargement of the prostate cancers or prostate gland.

Damage to your kidneys: If you use testosterone boosters for an extended period of time, they may cause kidney damage.

Heart disease: If you use testosterone boosters for a long time, your red blood cell levels may rise, which could lead to heart disease. It is recommended that you discontinue your testosterone boosters on a regular basis to give your body a break.

Aggressive behavior: They can increase your testosterone levels, which can lead to aggressive behavior. So, if you're taking testosterone boosters and notice an increase in angry outbursts and irritability that isn't normal, you should either stop taking them or reduce your intake.

Skin reactions: Acne occurs when your body has high levels of testosterone. This is the primary cause of your acne as a teen. The level of testosterone in your body will undoubtedly rise if you use testosterone boosters. If the level rises above the normal range, you may experience skin reactions such as acne and oily skin, particularly on the back.


Anxiety: Men who use testosterone boosters may experience anxiety in some cases.

Mood swings: When taking testosterone boosters, you may experience mood swings. This could be an indication that testosterone levels have risen above normal. To avoid this, simply ensure that your testosterone levels are at a normal or healthy level.


The following are some of the possible side effects of testosterone pills in men:

  • Acne
  • Retention of fluid (edema)
  • Red blood cell count has increased.
  • Blood pressure is too high.
  • Chest ache
  • Vision hazard
  • Muscle ache
  • Reduced testicle size
  • Reduced sperm count
  • Infertility
  • Enlargement of the breast
  • Urination has increased.
  • Elevated cholesterol levels
  • Existing sleep apnea worsens
  • Clots in the blood (rare)
  • A possible increase in the risk of having a heart attack or having a stroke.

Women who take testosterone pills may experience the following side effects:

  • Acne
  • Male-pattern hair growth has increased (hirsutism)
  • Hair loss on the scalp
  • voice toned down
  • Problems with the liver
  • Reduced levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (the "good" cholesterol), which may have a negative impact on cardiovascular risk.
  • Uterine bleeding that isn't normal
  • Breast size has shrunk
  • Clitoromegaly (abnormal enlargement of clitoris)
  • Swings in mood
  • Anxiety
  • Breast cancer risk may be increased (needs more investigation)


The best way to avoid these side effects is to take the correct amount of testosterone and to stop taking it as soon as you notice any side effects. You should also make certain that you have the proper amount or healthy level of testosterone in your body.

Too much of the same will result in some of the side effects we just mentioned.

Naturally, not all testosterone boosters have negative side effects. If you want to learn about the BEST natural testosterone boosters available. Check out our list of the Top Testosterone Boosters.
