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15 Clean Eating Tips to Help You Lose Weight

What is a Clean Eating Diet?

What is a clean eating diet, and how do you get started? In a nutshell, it means eating minimally processed, whole foods that will improve your health while also providing a plethora of nutritional benefits.

The advantages extend beyond weight loss. If you commit to a clean eating lifestyle, you will lose about 3 pounds per week. 

You will be healthier and have more energy. Your pupils will appear bright and alert. Your teeth and gums will be healthier as a result. Your skin will glow, and your hunger cravings will be greatly reduced.

"When you Eat Clean, the benefits are visible (and perceptible to you on the inside) from head to toe."

The Eat-Clean philosophy holds that nutrition is far more important in shaping our bodies than exercise or genetics.

Forget about calorie counting. "Eating clean" is your ticket to a lean, healthy body.

Eating the right foods, such as lean protein, good-for-you carbs and fats, fresh fruits and vegetables, six times a day. Do that, along with plenty of water and regular exercise, and you'll transform your sluggish metabolism into a fat-burning machine.

Consider how many diseases you are aware of that can be linked to an unhealthy diet – diabetes, obesity, hormonal issues, even bowel cancer...

With more and more people choosing to 'eat clean,' you might be wondering why you should.

What exactly is it about our current diets that is so "dirty," and how do we go about "cleaning" them up with a clean eating diet?

To begin with, we all consume far too much junk and processed foods, potentially ingesting far too many chemicals, E-numbers, additives, and thickeners.

And have you ever considered how many chemicals you may be putting into your body on a daily basis? Pesticides sprayed on crops, as well as the feed for the meat we eat, can enter our bodies.

Add to that the well-researched and documented dangers of a high-sugar and/or high-sodium diet, as well as all the relatively new additives, starches, and preservatives whose potential impact we do not yet fully understand, and we have a recipe for disaster.

What is clean eating diet and how can you start eating clean

So, what exactly does 'clean eating' entail, and how do we go about it? To begin, there are no absolute rules, calorie counting, supplements, meal replacements, shakes, point counting, or restrictions. However, there are a few guiding principles that almost all clean eaters adhere to.

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How To Start Eating Clean

The concept of a clean eating diet is not a 'diet' (although weight loss is common) nor a fad.

It is a way of life for people who simply want to ensure that they are eating the most nutritionally valuable foods for their physical and mental health.

Making this lifestyle change can have numerous advantages, including increased energy and mental alertness, improved digestion, clearer skin, and allergy improvement/relief.

Does It Work?

The eating-clean way of life has some advantages. It is a well-balanced diet that emphasizes whole grains, fruits and vegetables, fats, and protein. It also encourages you to keep portion sizes under control. It also does not forbid any food groups.

The following are 15 clean eating tips to help you lose weight:

1.    Clean up Your Coffee

Although coffee is a healthy drink on its own, adding sweetened syrups, artificial sweeteners, and whipped cream can harm your health and waistline. Popular coffee beverages such as frappuccinos, mochas, and sweetened lattes can contain hundreds of calories. To keep your coffee healthy and avoid overloading your body with sugar, keep your drink simple and opt for unsweetened items.

2.    Eat the freshest foods

Always eat foods that are locally available and in their most natural state. Buying local, organic food not only benefits your health, but it also benefits the environment by promoting biodiversity and reducing environmental contaminants.

3.    Keep Your Pantry and Fridge Stocked

It's critical to be prepared when making the switch to a healthier diet. This way, you'll always be able to prepare nutritious meals and snacks. Set aside time each week to go grocery shopping, ensuring that your kitchen is stocked with the ingredients you need to stay on track with your wellness goals. Having a healthy supply of canned, frozen, and bulk ingredients on hand can make last-minute meals a breeze. Canned beans, frozen vegetables, and grains such as quinoa and oats are inexpensive, clean ingredients that can be stored in the freezer and pantry and used whenever you want.

4.    Prepare/cook as many of your meals as possible

So you know exactly what is in there!

5.    Focus on Ingredients, Not Calories

Although avoiding energy-dense, unhealthy foods is essential for weight loss, it is more important to focus on food quality and ingredients than calories. Although avocados and nuts are high in calories, they are high in nutrients such as fiber and healthy fats, which can help you lose weight by keeping you satisfied between meals. Furthermore, rather than obsessing over which foods are "good" or "bad," choosing foods based on what will nourish your body can help you develop a healthy relationship with all foods.

6.    Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruit

Choose organic and buy locally from farmer’s markets where possible.

7.    Eat six small meals per day

Choose to consume your delicious natural foods in small amounts throughout the day. Consuming your meals and snacks on a regular basis will allow your body to burn calories in between meals and keep your metabolism running at its peak. This is critical for maintaining your weight and blood glucose levels.

8.    Make Healthy Versions of Your Favorite Treats

When trying to lose weight, it is critical to limit your intake of sweets and unhealthy snacks. Fortunately, there are a plethora of delectable alternatives that can make clean eating easier, particularly for those who are accustomed to eating a lot of sweets. Dipping strawberries in dark chocolate is one healthy sweet treat idea. Energy balls made with nut butter, oats, coconut, cocoa, and dark chocolate. Making chocolate pudding from avocado, coconut milk, dates, and cocoa powder. Baked apples with chopped nuts, oats, and raisins.

9.    Reduce your meat intake 

By eating smaller portions, and choose lean healthy proteins such as turkey or sustainable fish.

10.    Avoid refined grains

Which means white bread and pasta are out, brown rice and quinoa are in.

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11.    Avoid using salt and sugar in large quantities

Instead flavour the food with fresh herbs, spices, garlic, ginger, citrus, etc.

12.    Avoid drinks such as coca-cola, sweetened juices and alcohol

Drinking plenty of water on a daily basis is essential for sticking to your clean eating plan. Water flushes out toxins and keeps your body functioning at its best. You can always add lemon to the water for extra flavor.

13.    Keep It Clean When Eating Out

Eating clean can be a breeze no matter where you are if you know what to look for. Choose meals rich in fresh produce, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and lean proteins. Although it's fine to indulge in a treat every now and then, try to limit heavy dishes like creamy pastas and fried foods as much as possible. Additionally, before your meal, replace the bread basket with a healthy salad to increase your vegetable intake while filling up on fiber.

14.    Don’t Deprive Yourself

Although fad diets that drastically reduce calories can be appealing, especially when trying to lose weight quickly, they are not the best option for healthy, long-term weight loss. The most important consideration in selecting a healthy weight loss method is long-term viability. The good news is that clean eating is a permanent weight loss method that does not require deprivation or the use of unhealthy methods to achieve a healthy weight. Simply eliminating ultra-processed foods and replacing them with whole foods will improve your health in a variety of ways, including weight loss.

15.    Practice Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating is a technique that teaches you how to make healthy food choices while also encouraging a positive relationship with food. It entails paying attention to hunger and fullness cues, which can reduce the likelihood of overeating and assist you in breaking bad habits like overeating. Intuitive eating is also a tool that can help you improve your mental health. According to one study, women who followed an intuitive eating program had significant reductions in binge eating behaviors as well as significant improvements in mental wellbeing.

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What Are The Clean Eating Diet Cupboard Essentials?

If you think you would like to see how clean eating diet can make you feel better and brighter, here are some useful store cupboard essentials to help you:

  • Oats
  • Tins of beans, chickpeas, lentils (in water)
  • Tinned tuna, salmon, mackerel (in olive oil or water, NOT brine)
  • Whole-wheat pastas, brown rice, quinoa, bulgur wheat, freekeh and dried lentils
  • Natural (unsalted) nuts and nut butters, seeds, raisins, unsweetened dried fruit, rice cakes
  • Coconut oil/olive oil
  • Apple Cider vinegar
  • Organic Tamari (soy) sauce
  • Plenty of your favourite herbs and spices
  • Brown rice syrup or organic maple syrup or local honey
  • Herbal teas and green tea
  • Wholegrain mustard

In Conclusion

In conclusion, clean eating is not a diet; it is a healthy way of eating that can be maintained for the rest of one's life.

You can improve your overall health and well-being by increasing your intake of whole, clean foods and eating fewer unhealthy, processed foods.

Furthermore, eating clean can assist you in achieving your weight loss goals in a healthy, sustainable manner.

Try implementing a few of these suggestions once a week. You'll be living a healthier, happier lifestyle before you know it.

