Does Exercise Increase Testosterone?

Exercise can boost testosterone levels, especially if done regularly, but not all exercise is created equal. Whether or not that increase is sufficient to alleviate the symptoms of low T is entirely dependent on you and your levels.

Your weight, fitness level, age, and when you exercise all influence how much your testosterone levels rise during exercise.

Furthermore, if you want to boost your testosterone levels, you should include other T-boosting activities in your exercise routine.

Continue reading to learn about the relationship between exercise and T levels, which exercises will (and will not) increase your T levels, and how to naturally increase your T levels.

The direct effects of exercise

After exercise, especially intense, heavy strength training, your testosterone levels rise. This increase in level could last as little as 15 minutes or as long as an hour. When men strength train in the evening rather than the morning, they often experience a greater and longer rise in testosterone.

Although research has yet to show the absolute effects of this increase, it is likely insufficient to make a difference in how you feel if you have low T. If your levels are borderline low, a regular exercise habit may be enough to bring you back into the normal range.

Of course, exercise has a plethora of other advantages, such as improved heart health, increased muscle mass, weight management, and protection against chronic disease.

The Connection between Exercise and Testosterone

Certain types of exercises raise T levels. However, your biological sex and the type of exercise you do have an impact on how your T levels are affected.

Here's some background on how T levels differ between people:

Testosterone Production

In males, testosterone is commonly referred to as the sex hormone. However, it is present in everyone's bodies — just not in the same amounts.

A small amount of testosterone is also produced by the adrenal glands. However, depending on your gender, different areas produce varying amounts.

High levels of testosterone are produced in the testicles of males. T levels are one of the primary hormones that contribute to the changes that occur during the adolescent years. Among the modifications are:

  • Gaining muscle mass
  • Growing pubic and facial hair
  • Lowering your tone of voice

In females, testosterone is produced in smaller amounts in the ovaries.

Healthy T levels, on the other hand, are essential for everyone throughout their lives. This is especially important as you get older in order to maintain your overall health and reduce your risk of disease for specific conditions such as:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes type 2
  • Coronary heart disease

What effect does exercise have on testosterone levels?

The following is what the research says about the effect of exercise on T levels:

  • A 1983 study of testosterone levels in men and women after weight lifting discovered that men have significant increases while women have almost no increase.
  • According to a 2001 study of women, it was discovered that resistance training can temporarily increase testosterone and influence fat distribution.
  • According to a 2004 study, regular physical activity increased testosterone and growth hormone (GH) levels in older men, as well as having a positive effect on brain function, according to a trusted source.
  • A yearlong exercise study discovered that levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) increased by 14.5 percent in 102 men who previously did not exercise much.
  • According to a 2012 study, it was discovered that men who exercised regularly had higher T levels than men who were sedentary (didn't exercise at all).
  • According to a 2016 study of men with obesity discovered that regular exercise increased T levels more than even losing weight.

And having healthy or elevated T levels can actually help you build more muscle than having low or very low T levels.

Best exercises to boost testosterone in your body

As previously stated, not all exercises have the same effect on T levels. Here are some of the best exercises for increasing testosterone.

Resistance Training

Resistance exercises have been shown in studies to help increase both short- and long-term T levels.

Resistance training, such as weightlifting, is the most effective type of exercise for increasing testosterone in both the short and long term. It has been found to be especially beneficial for people who have penises.

According to a 2007 study, it was discovered that males who did strength/resistance training three days a week for four weeks had higher T levels right after a workout and over time.

However, the results are not the same for everyone. An older study found that a 30-minute weightlifting session raised T levels by 21.6% in men but only 16.7% in women.

In addition, some research suggest T level increases in women may be only temporary.

An additional older study found T levels increased in both young and old men after three sets of 8 to 10 weightlifting reps. Other sex hormones, such as GH, were much more likely to spike in younger men than in older men.

Males can benefit from high-intensity interval training (HIIT)

HIIT is another proven method for increasing testosterone, but only in men.

In one study in men, interval training consisting of 90 seconds of intense treadmill running interspersed with 90-second recovery periods increased free T levels more significantly than running for 45 minutes straight.

Other studies have also supported this link:

  • According to a 2013 study, taking DHEA supplements along with five sessions of 2-minute cycling exercises increased T levels in both young and old men.
  • According to a 2014 study, HIIT increased T levels in men.

Exercises that do not raise testosterone levels

Females like their male counterparts, require healthy T levels.

However, after a certain point, high T levels can be more dangerous for females. It can result in abnormal hair growth, baldness, and acne.

Moreover, some of the same exercises that increase T levels in some people can have the opposite effect on others.

HIIT for Females

In females, HIIT has been shown to reduce testosterone levels. If T levels are too high, this can be beneficial.

According to a 2016 study, a 20-minute interval exercise consisting of 8 seconds of cycling and 12 seconds of rest reduced T levels in women.


There is no evidence that cardio has any effect on T levels, regardless of gender. In fact, doing too much cardio may lower your T levels.

However, losing weight in general can help balance your T levels and other factors that contribute to healthy hormone levels in general.

Exercise that reduces testosterone levels

Chronic endurance exercise, such as hours of cycling or running, has been shown to lower testosterone levels. High-endurance athletes have higher cortisol levels, which have the opposite effect of testosterone. The more endurance exercise you do, the more likely it is that muscle tissue will break down.

Don't go too far

Strive for a balance with exercise, however. Exercising is a form of stress on the body, and doing too much of it can have a negative impact on your testosterone levels. Distance runners, for example, have lower testosterone levels and higher cortisol levels – and cortisol is a stress hormone.

You may be overtraining if you are constantly sore, unable to recover from workouts, or notice a decrease in your athletic performance. You may also experience sleep disruption, low libido, depression, or a loss of muscle mass, all of which are symptoms of low T.

Endurance training isn't always bad for you, but cortisol can affect your muscle mass, sleep, and mood. Moderate cardio exercise (30 minutes, five days a week) on the other hand, will protect your heart health while not causing excess cortisol production.

The best time of day to exercise

"Afternoon exercise is best for boosting testosterone, while morning exercise is best for jump-starting your metabolism," Dr. Richard Jadick says. "For best results, do a cardio session first thing in the morning and weight training after work."

"Many men are so exhausted after work that they skip the gym," he adds. If that is the case, we can discuss supplementation."

Choose the time that works best for your schedule if you can only fit in one workout per day.

Other Natural Ways to Increase Testosterone

Aside from (or in addition to) exercise, here are some tips for increasing testosterone:

Consume a diet high in protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

Reduce your stress and cortisol levels.

Get some vitamin D from the sun or take vitamin D supplements.

Other vitamin supplements to consider include zinc and vitamin B.

Every night, get 7 to 10 hours of sleep.

Consider natural herbs like ashwagandha, horny goat weed, and ginger.

Avoid chemicals that can increase natural estrogen, such as BPA, especially for males.

Final Thoughts

Resistance training and HIIT can both increase T levels, which is especially beneficial in men.

T levels that are too high, on the other hand, can be harmful, especially in females.

Before you take any action to increase or otherwise modify your T levels, consult with your doctor and have your baseline T levels tested.
